Is artificial ihumans?ntelligence a threat to

Is artificial ihumans?ntelligence a threat to


Artificial intelligence is developing at an alarming rate, raising deep ethical concerns about its use, ownership, responsibility and long-term impact on humanity. As technologists, ethicists, and policymakers look to the future of artificial intelligence, ongoing debates about its control, power dynamics, and the possibility of surpassing human capabilities highlight the current need to address these ethical challenges.


With the recent White House investment of $140 million in funding and additional policy guidance, important steps are being taken to understand and mitigate these challenges to realize the broad potential of AI Although artificial intelligence (AI) technology can improve the well-being of society and development, it also leads to ethical decision-making issues such as algorithm discrimination, data bias, and unclear responsibilities.


This article identifies ethical risk issues in artificial intelligence decision-making from a qualitative research perspective, uses root theory to construct a risk model of ethical risk in artificial intelligence decision-making, and systematically studies the interaction process between risks. Propose risk management strategies.


We found that technical uncertainty, incomplete data and management errors are the main sources of ethical risk in artificial intelligence decision-making. The intervention of risk management elements can effectively block social risks caused by algorithmic risks, technical risks and data risks.


Therefore, we propose strategies for managing ethical risk in artificial intelligence decision-making in management, research, and development theory Ethical risk in artificial intelligence decision-making includes ethical and moral issues related to human Humans and society caused by errors in data or algorithms.


The negative effects of these risks must be considered when developing artificial intelligence. Some examples of ethical risks in artificial intelligence decision-making include choosing between the life of a pedestrian or the life of a driver in the event of an accident, searching for humans based on big data involving invasion of people’s privacy, involvement technology, lack of human touch,


Misjudgments made by rational judgments Artificial intelligence often struggles to solve complex decision-making situations because tactical knowledge such as habits, emotions, and beliefs are difficult to fully process and process. At the same time, the question of whether intelligent decision-making in the future with strong artificial intelligence will surpass or even replace human decision-making is a moral dilemma of ethical risk.


It is still uncertain whether artificial intelligence will take control from humans and whether it will bring unpredictable social risks to humans. These issues make people very concerned about artificial intelligence decision making.


Ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is advancing at an astonishing pace, raising profound ethical concerns about its use, ownership, accountability, and long-term impact on humanity. look at the future of AI, ongoing debates about control, power dynamics, and the potential of AI,


To overcome the human capabilities shows the need to deal with these current ethical challenges. With the White House recently investing $140 million in funding and providing additional policy guidance, important steps are being taken to understand and reduce these barriers to harnessing the great potential of AI.


Although artificial intelligence technology AI can promote social good and development, it also gives rise to severe moral decision-making such as algorithmic discrimination, data bias, and unclear accountability. In this paper, we identify ethical risk issues in AI decision making from a qualitative research perspective, building a risk model of AI decision making ethical risks,


By using the root perspective, and exploring the interaction processes between the risk through the activity of the system, based on which risk management strategies are proposed. We found that technological uncertainty, incomplete data, and management errors are the main sources of ethical risks in AI decision-making and that the intervention of administrative elements,


that can effectively block societal threats from algorithmic, technological, and data threats. Therefore, we propose strategies to manage the ethical risks of AI decision-making from the perspective of management, research, and development. people and society,


From errors caused by data or algorithms, and the negative effects of this risk must be solved by the development of artificial intelligence. Some examples of AI decision-making ethical risks include the choice between the lives of pedestrians and drivers in case of danger, the violation of the privacy rights of people involved in the search of human bodies based on big data technology, and the wrong decisions made by intelligent courts without human feelings.


AI often struggles to adapt to complex decision-making situations because strategic knowledge such as habits, emotions, and beliefs are difficult to fully process and process. The strong moment when AI will surpass or even replace human choices is a moral dilemma of ethical risk.


It is still uncertain whether AI will take control from humans and cause unpredictable social risks to humans, and these issues are increasing concerns about decision-making Establish international agreements on development and use AI International agreements can help ensure that AI is developed and used safely and responsibly.


These agreements may include provisions on the use of AI for military purposes, prevention of AI-related unemployment, and the protection of human rights. , conduct timely and systematic risk monitoring and assessment, establish an effective risk warning system, improve the ability to control and dispose of ethical AI risks.


To mitigate these risks, the AI research community needs to actively participate in safety research, collaborate on ethical guidelines, and promote transparency in AGI development. Ensuring that AGI serves the best interests of humanity and does not threaten our existence is important,

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